How to Boil Potatoes: The Best Method Starting with Cold Water

Boiling potatoes isn’t rocket science, and it’s because this task is so easy that you might overlook a crucial step. If you consistently find yourself with broken or unevenly cooked potatoes, here’s a tip: Always start potatoes in cold water.…

Microwave Lemons for Extra Juice: A Genius Food Hack

lemons, limes, and oranges

Nothing beats the vibrant, refreshing taste of freshly squeezed citrus juice. Whether you’re concocting a zesty cocktail or adding a tangy twist to a homemade salad dressing, every drop counts. However, extracting the maximum amount of juice from lemons, limes,…

How to Make Chewy Bacon with Water

pile of bacon

This simple trick keeps your strips chewy and evenly cooked every time If you don’t like crispy bacon (we forgive you), here’s a simple trick for getting perfectly chewy, evenly cooked strips every time. Cook bacon in water. If you’ve…

How to Easily Peel and Devein Shrimp

Holding giant fresh prawns

In the United States, shrimp makes up more than 25% of all seafood consumed: It ranks number one in terms of amount with almost 6 pounds per person in 2021, according to Seafood Source. And it’s easy to see why.…

How to Properly Reheat Leftover Turkey

Roasted turkey on white background

It’s the day after Thanksgiving and you’re still reveling in the hard work you put into making a delicious feast the day prior. When you take out the leftover mashed potatoes, stuffing, and gravy for a quick leftover lunch, you…

How to Baste a Turkey Without a Baster for Thanksgiving

basting a turkey

It’s Thanksgiving morning, and you’ve probably been up since the crack of dawn getting your turkey prepped and into the oven. You’re about to baste that baby for the first time when you realize you forgot to buy that thing…

Tips for Reheating Chinese Food in a Pan

takeout lo mein noodles

Some say Chinese food tastes better the next day, and who are we to argue when science confirms it? Per Dr. Kantha Shelke of the Institute of Food Technologists, all those aromatic ingredients undergo some tasty chemical reactions while cooking, and these…

French Stew Recipe: Cassoulet with White Beans and Duck

Bowls of French cassoulet

Master the classic French stew of white beans and duck confit The revival of classic French cooking is still going strong, so if you’ve already tried your hand at homemade croissants and taken boeuf bourguignon for a spin, it’s time…

Alternative Uses for Whole and Ground Coriander

coriander seeds in spoon

If you’ve ever sniffed from a jar of garam masala or eaten a friend’s homemade pickles, you’ve likely come in contact with coriander. You may not recognize it right off the bat — the earthy seasoning is less assertive than most…